Microbiome test
Analysis of your microbiome gives a comprehensive overview of gut microorganisms, crucial for your overall health.
Microbiome screening enhances well-being by providing insights into gut flora, including beneficial bacteria levels, diversity, and your enterotype.
What You Get
Predisposition to obesity, disease protection against diabetes, coronary heart disease, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.
Gluten and lactose metabolism, personalized food recommendations to improve your microbiome health.
The ability of the microbiota to synthesize vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, K.
Bacterial Composition
Microbiome diversity, levels of beneficial bacteria and probiotics. List of bacteria found in your microbiome and your enterotype classification.
How it works
We send you a kit to collect a sample at home
You provide a stool sample and send it back
We analyze your mircobiome and interpret the information
You receive the results, and based on them, our specialists make recommendations